董事会遴选博士. Jeffrey P. 纳斯成为新的PCC总理


The 法律 Department serves the legal needs of 皮马社区学院 District. 这是通过:

Advising and educating the Governing Board and College employees about the legal implications of policy and other decisions; Supporting College functions through the delivery of legal 服务s; Representing the interests of the College in any administrative or legal proceedings involving the College; Retaining and managing outside legal 服务 providers.

这个部门负责该机构的法律事务. 它不能就个人事务向个人提供建议或代表个人, including issues that are adverse to the College or are unrelated to the College.


The 法律 Department provides legal advice and representation to 皮马社区学院. 以这种身份, 律师向理事会成员提供建议, 总理, 管理员, 以及其他公务人员, 就影响学院的各种法律问题提供意见.

No. 本系只提供与学院业务有关的法律服务. You can consult with an attorney regarding legal matters related to carrying out your official duties as an employee or representative of the College; however, you are responsible for hiring your own attorney to handle personal legal matters.

If you need legal advice or representation of a personal nature (divorce, child custody, wills, etc.),以下机构或可为你提供协助:

College employees are subject to a number of policies relating to conflicts that can arise in the course of employment. These include conflicts between work duties and obligations for a non-work matter (outside employment or 服务 to other organization) and financial or personal considerations that could influence a decision you are supposed to make for the College (relation to a vendor or co-worker). 一般, participating in a decision about a matter in which you have a conflict is either prohibited or subject to disclosure and/or approval.


May I engage in political activity as an employee of 皮马社区学院?
亚利桑那州法律禁止使用学院人员(在值班时), 设备, 材料, 设施, or other resources for the purpose of influencing the outcomes of elections. Political activities should be conducted on an employee’s own personal time, 在教室或其他教学环境之外, 使用员工自己的或其他私人资源.

是的. 某些游说方式是有限制的. 游说是有定义的, 在某种程度上, as any attempt to influence the passage or defeat of any local or state law, 条例, 决议, 或法规. 这包括, 但不限于, 提示任何小费, 特别折扣, 忙, 服务, 经济机会, 不向公众提供的贷款或其他利益.

除非在有限的情况下, elected and appointed officials are prohibited from receiving any such benefit in exchange for a 忙able decision or other act done in an official capacity. 因此, College employees should not engage in any activity that may give the appearance of prohibited lobbying methods.

Employees who have questions regarding the parameters of appropriate versus inappropriate interactions with elected or appointed state and local officials should contact the 法律 Department.

Subpoena for records: If a process server or other person attempts to give you or a member of your staff a subpoena for records, 不接受传票. Instruct the process server to take the subpoena directly to the 法律 Department, 地区办公室, c - 232房间.

Subpoena for personal appearance: If the subpoena is for your personal appearance in a deposition or a trial in a matter related to College, you may accept the subpoena and should then immediately contact legal (520-206-4940). 然而, this office will not be able to assist you if the subpoena involves a personal matter unrelated to your College employment.

You should not accept a subpoena for personal appearance on behalf of anyone else.

I am being asked to accept 服务 of a lawsuit (summons and complaint) against the College – what do I do now?
不接受诉讼送达. Refer the process server to the 法律 Department, 地区办公室, c - 232房间.

I have been personally named as a defendant in a lawsuit but in my capacity as a College employee. 法律部会为我辩护吗? 如果我输了,我需要支付损害赔偿金吗?
The College will provide legal defense to the College employees sued in their official capacity. 在大多数情况下, the College’s liability insurance provider will defend claims and will pay any judgments for claims arising out of the employee’s negligence and omissions while acting in an authorized capacity in the scope of employment. 如果你个人被列为被告, you should contact legal (520-206-4940) immediately in order to review the facts and circumstances to determine if representation is appropriate.

My department has received a bankruptcy notice from a vendor or individual we do business with. 我该怎么办??
请立即联系法务部(520-206-4940). 由法律规定, the College and other creditors are restricted in the actions they may take after being notified of a bankruptcy. 因此, it is imperative that you notify 法律 as soon as you receive the notice so we can review the matter with you and respond in an appropriate manner.
是的. 礼物 to the College are generally deductible for federal tax purposes under Section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code. 所有礼品必须通过 皮马社区学院基金会.

Can I, as an employee of the College, receive a 礼物 from a student or an outside vendor?
Arizona law and College policies prohibit College employees from receiving 礼物s, 包括有价值的东西和利益, from any person who is or seeks to be a party to any contract with the College.

另外, 学院教员接受小费是不道德的, 礼物, or 忙 that might impair or influence the Faculty member’s professional decision or action.




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